Monday, October 21, 2013

Mommy Makeup Monday: Fastest Makeup Removal Method

On Mondays, I share a tip, product or tutorial that will help you look polished and put-together quickly and with minimal effort.  You definitely don't have to be a rushed mom to benefit from these posts...anyone who needs to be out-the-door fast (and who doesn't?!) can appreciate Mommy Makeup Mondays!

Happy Monday!  Sorry for the radio silence these past few Macbook decided it needed to spend some quality time at the Apple store, but it's back and in a much better mood now :)

So let's discuss face cleansing and makeup removing wipes.  They are my go-to method of cleaning my face before bed on those nights that I'm just about too exhausted to even care.  But because I know how bad it is to sleep in your makeup, and because I'm sick of throwing my mascara-smudged pillowcases in the wash every morning, I keep a stash of wipes in my vanity for quick and super easy makeup removal.  It will take about 2 minutes to get all your makeup off, and you'll be in bed before you know it!  It's SO worth the tiny bit of effort...your skin will thank you in the morning!

A quick roundup of my favorite and not-so-favorite wipes:

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1.  Mac Wipes.  You cannot beat them for makeup removal.  They take everything off; the end.  Mac does indicate that they aren't eye-safe, so those with sensitive eyes may want to try another type of wipe.  Personally I've always used them on my eyes with no problem.  The one downside is the price - $20 for 45 wipes, or $29 for 100.  (Personally, I would be afraid of the 100-pack drying up by the end.  Mac's packaging is by far the best with this issue, but the ends of my 45-packs are usually pretty dry.) 
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2. Simple Cleansing Facial Wipes.  These are a good buy for the money (around $5 for 25 wipes), and they're readily available at Target.  They smell nice, do a solid job of makeup removal, and I like that there are no harsh chemicals in them.  I would rate these on the better side of average, although they still don't compare to Mac's wipes. 

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 3.  Up & Up Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes.  Sold only at Target stores, these wipes are actually really great!  For 30 wipes, you'll pay less than $4, and they will do a great job of removing makeup.  These were my go-to wipes for years, until my eye area grew sensitive to them.  I've taken a break from them, but I will definitely repurchase them in the future.  Unless you have super-sensitive skin, I would definitely recommend trying these out.

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4.  Pond's Evening Soothe Wet Cleansing Towelettes.  These are another favorite of mine.  They smell so nice, like chamomile and white tea.  It's a gentle scent, and doesn't linger, but is so nice when you're using them.  They also do a great job taking off makeup, although these are better for face makeup than eye makeup.  They run about $5 for 30 wipes.

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5.  Olay Wet Cleansing Towelettes for Sensitive Skin.  I have to be honest, I didn't love these wipes.  They were good for cleansing, and never irritated my skin at all, but only did a fair job at makeup removal.  Plus, every time I purchased a pack, the last 4 or 5 wipes was almost entirely dried out by the time I got to it.  (I typically go through a pack per month.)  These are also a little pricey...between $6 and $7 for 30 wipes.

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6.  Pond's Luminous Clean Wet Cleansing Towelettes.   I am currently using these wipes after finding them available on Amazon's Subscribe & Save program.  (Amazon's normal price is less than $5 for 30 wipes.  Plus I get 20% off with Subscribe & Save!)  I haven't formed many opinions yet, but the fact that they contain kaolin clay (known for drawing crap out of your pores) intrigued me.  I will say that I won't use them on my eyes...I didn't find that they got off all my liner/mascara, but I'm excited to see if they end up improving the appearance of my skin!  I will update as I use them.
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And the one I would skip over:  Yes to Blueberries Cleansing Facial Towelettes.  They're about $6 for 25 wipes, but in my opinion they smell awful and don't remove makeup well at all.  I found myself scrubbing to get it all off.  Skip these - you won't regret picking up something, anything, else.

I have yet to try either Neutrogena's wipes (I am all about the grapefruit scented ones!) or Garnier's wipes, but I have heard good things about both.  Neutrogena may be my next purchase if I decide to switch from the Pond's Luminous Clean wipes.  We'll see.

Overall, I think wipes are just the best way to get rid of your makeup and give your face a quick clean before bed when you're about to fall asleep sitting up.  I wouldn't use them every night, though, especially if you have acne-prone skin.  They aren't a foolproof substitute for good old soap and water, but they do a damn good job!  (And besides, if you need that extra layer of clean, it's easy enough to run over your face with some toner on a cotton round to get all the grime off.)

Do you use face wipes?  Have I missed a must-try brand?  Share what you love about them!

Do you have an idea for a Mommy Monday post?  I'd love to hear it!  Leave it in the comments below or email me at

As always, everything in this post is my honest personal opinion.  No affiliate links were used.  I have not accepted any consideration for sharing these items with you.  Unless indicated otherwise, all products were purchased by me with my own money.

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