Monday, December 30, 2013

Mommy Makeup Monday: My 2014 Beauty Resolutions

On Mondays, I share a tip, product or tutorial that will help you look polished and put-together quickly and with minimal effort.  You definitely don't have to be a rushed mom to benefit from these posts...anyone who needs to be out-the-door fast (and who doesn't?!) can appreciate Mommy Makeup Mondays!
So this technically isn't really a true makeup post, but I wanted to share my beauty resolutions in the mom context because they involve me taking more time for myself.  Obviously my daughter is priority #1, but I've really let a lot of things fall to the wayside these past 10 months, whether it be taking care of myself or doing things I enjoy.  

I guess the point here is if I can take 10 minutes a day, or a half hour a week, or whatever it is out of my momlife, anyone can :)

So Happy 2014!!!  And here are the things I'd like to work on this year.

#1 - DRINK MORE WATER.  Probably more health than beauty related, but it's no secret that drinking enough water helps your complexion and skin.  So I'll call it a beauty resolution ;)  My goal is at least 64 oz. a day, but the more the better.

#2 - STOP PICKING OFF MY POLISH.  For as long as I can remember, I've had the terrible habit of picking off my nail polish once it starts to chip.  More often than not, that's how it comes off instead of remover.  It's awful for my nails and because I usually do it unconsciously, it's annoying to find the little pieces of polish all over the house!

#3 - BE MORE DILIGENT ABOUT PEDICURES.  And I don't necessarily mean professional pedis.  I only go to the spa maybe 2 or 3 times a year to have a pro tend to my toes.  However, I have no reason at all not to care for me feet a bit more at home.  First on my list...stop walking around on my hardwood and tile floors barefoot!  It causes terrible calluses and cracks on my heels (that are often painful!) and I have no excuse for it.  Next up: moisturize, wear Vaseline + socks to bed from time to time, file my heels, deal with my cuticles, and keep my polish fresh.

#4 - CONTINUE SHOPPING MY STASH AND USING PRODUCTS UP.  This is something I've really been focusing on in the past 6 months, and I plan to continue it.  I really just have too much stuff, and it's been nice to use products up and see them be done.  Plus, it never hurts the wallet to find and fall in love with something you forgot you even had!

Image Source:
#5 - BUY BUNNY FRIENDLY.  In 2012, I made (and kept!) the resolution to buy only cruelty-free makeup/beauty products.  I worked off of PETA's lists to determine which companies did and did not test on animals and only bought from those on the "safe" list.  (I can do a more comprehensive post on this subject - it's one I feel strongly about - but for brevity's sake...PETA's lists are not all-inclusive and you should do your own research into a brand, too.)  In 2013, I did not continue the resolution...really for no good reason other than I was pressed for time being a new mom.  Going forward, though, I'd like to continue being conscious of animal testing.  This means I must re-research and find new bunny-friendly companies to love...and it also means I may have to curb my love for MAC!  The lists are ever-changing, though, so my goal is to do my best to keep up to date on the topic and shop wisely.

So that's it!  Those are my 5 beauty resolutions for 2014.  What are yours?  I'd love to be inspired to add a few more :)  Have you been successful at any of my resolutions?!  Share your tips!!


As always, everything in this post is my honest personal opinion.  No affiliate links were used.  I have not accepted any consideration for sharing these items with you.  Unless indicated otherwise, all products were purchased by me with my own money.

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